Pipeline Installation
Smart Veritas specializes in the storage, transportation, and installation of subsea pipelines, a significant engineering operation. Our vast experience with all phases of pipeline installation ensures that we can provide you with comprehensive analysis and operational support.
Our many years of experience in delivering installation manuals, method statements, and procedures not only ensure a structured start but also an efficient progression of the entire project. We provide realistic cost and time estimates, allowing for a thorough project plan that gives you insight into the costs involved in the work to be carried out.
During execution, our field engineers monitor the planning and activities to ensure that the project runs safely and efficiently. We solve problems innovatively and rapidly by devising new ways of working or adapting existing methods to suit the current project.
We also provide support for mobilization, procedures, deck layouts, tender & feasibility studies, and operation and equipment specification support. Explore our site or reach out via our contact form to learn how we can support your subsea pipeline installation needs.
Our pipeline installation activities typically include:
Pipe stacking and transportation calculations.
Pipe lifting analysis and supporting documentation, such as lift plans and rigging arrangements.
Detailed pipe installation analysis, including static and dynamic normal lay, start-up, abandonment and recovery, laydown analysis, and fatigue analysis.
Detailed above water tie-in analysis.
Workability summaries to aid go/no-go decisions and determine, with certainty, that the operation can be completed safely in accordance with the latest DNV standards.
Production of lay tables and tension schedules for offshore operations.
On-site support by experienced field engineers.