UTM Class Survey

Thickness measurements for class renewal & intermediate surveys

Plans are underway to acquire Bureau Veritas and DNV class approval in 2024.

Would you like us to do your non-class required NDT while we are going through this process?

The state of a ship's hull and its structural parts must be carefully evaluated due to strict classification regulations and routine inspections. All regulatory bodies require Hull Surveys at specified intervals, Intermediate Surveys, Dry-docking Surveys, and Special Periodical Surveys.

Demand and prices for dry docks are rising. Ship owners must estimate the cost of various class periodic inspections on time. Not just the owner values a trustworthy and economical assessment of a ship's condition. It also connotes a dedication to the environment and society.

Generally, the hull survey commences with a "pre-plan meeting" involving the Owners, Class surveyor and inspection personnel. The items agreed upon include locations, access to locations and the number of measurements at these specified locations.

Upon completing the gauging survey, Smart Veritas will provide a final computerised report in the client-supplied or class-supplied format. These final reports normally include AutoCAD drawings and/ or spreadsheet formats which include the hull's original design thickness, current measured thickness and percentage wastage.

Explore our site or reach out via our contact form to learn how we can support your non-destructive testing needs.

UTM can be performed for

  • Thickness measurements for class renewal & intermediate surveys.

  • Pre-docking inspection.

  • Thickness measurements for owner interest.

  • A precondition for new purchases or new owner interest.

  • Corrosion inspections.

Non-Destructive Testing for

  • Shell and deck inserts.

  • Repairs or new builds.

  • Prop shafts.

  • Propellers and Gyclorotors.

Contact us to see how we can help with your NDT requirements!